section 1

ok so what do i want to write about. i have no fucking clue. what do i like. what do i care about. well, i care about staying alive. life. my plants and animals. my partner. eating a big meal after a big day. today could be called a big day, i think. my dearest friend moved far away. therapy was, well, as therapy should be at times like these; i cried (ugly cried), she said things that touched me pretty deeply and i smoked at least two cigarettes before digesting the section. i drew a lot today, planned my next self-tattoos, which i hope to do soon. booted up this site! thinking of doing big things with it - which means i'll do some small things and hopefully start working on medium things and eventually big things!

section 2

so, website plans! how about a garden section where i host a blog with daily updates and post picture updates on the main garden section every month or so. maybe a knitting/crochetting section where i can show off finished projects.